Coming Soon - 2020 High School Rankings

By Jeremy Tate
Since the Classic Learning Test launched in 2016, thousands of students from hundreds of partner schools have taken one of our three exams (the CLT, CLT10, and CLT8). Typical CLT students stand considerably above the national average academically, and hail from some of the finest schools across the country.
CLT ranking first began with the CLT10 Student Awards. These awards mark the outstanding performance of individual students on the CLT10 across the country, recognizing students nationally, regionally, and by school.
Starting in 2019, we have been releasing the academic ranks achieved by our partner schools, based on students’ performance on the CLT and CLT10. This year, we will be announcing the top 25 secondary schools across the United States. Last year, Mars Hill Academy was the number one school, followed by St. Stephen’s Academy, and Hillsdale Academy.
We are excited to announce our 2020 Top 25 High Schools on August 25, 2020. Look out for this announcement to see whether your school made the list!
Published on 13th August, 2020.