CLT10 National Award Winner Spotlight:
Molly Moore

In preparation for the release of the CLT10 awards in September of 2023, CLT is celebrating some of our past National Award Winners!
We reached out to some of CLT’s scholarship winners from 2020 and asked them to share about their testing experience at CLT, their time at their CLT partner college of choice, and any college preparation advice they might have for other students.
This post celebrates Molly Moore, a rising sophomore at Hope College. She highlighted the importance of being patient with college relationships and defining yourself by more than just your academics. Congratulations, Molly, and thank you for your encouraging answers!
The framers of our Constitution firmly believed that a republican government could not endure without intelligence and education generally diffused among the people.
Ulysses S. Grant
CLT: How did taking the CLT10 prepare you for college, and how did your CLT10 Scholarship benefit you as a first-year student?
MM: I know it was helpful to have experience taking a standardized test before I took the ACT. I took the CLT10 in my own home and didn’t feel any extreme pressure regarding my score. If I did well, great—I could get a scholarship! My scholarship was such a blessing. A scholarship from my college covers my tuition, but not my room and board, so having $2500 to put towards that for my freshman year was awesome!
CLT: What class from this year had the deepest impact on you, and why?
MM: The most impactful class I took last year was my First Year Seminar. Based on Matthew 25 in the Bible, we talked about what it looks like to care for the hungry, sick, prisoner, and immigrant. We learned what it means to listen and show empathy. I think it’s something I’ll be learning for the rest of my life!
CLT: What’s something you wish you had known before starting your freshman year?
MM: I wish I knew that there were such abundant relationships in store for me at school! Don’t get discouraged if it takes you a while to find your people. I didn’t find mine until second semester, and one of my friends didn’t find hers until sophomore year.
CLT: Right. And was there anything that you didn’t anticipate on the more practical side?
MM: Practically, I wish I knew how expensive textbooks are—get them secondhand if you can. And bring a lamp. Dorm lighting is harsh!
CLT: What advice would you give to other CLT10 or CLT test-takers planning ahead for college?
MM: Find a balance—try your best, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. A good test score can give you a financial boost, so don’t just goof off, but at the same time, you are not defined by a test score! A less-than-perfect score on the CLT (or the ACT or SAT, for that matter), is not the end of the world. Your best is all you can do.
Thank you for reading the CLT Journal. Check out our main website or our podcast, Anchored, to learn more about the Classic Learning Test.
Published on 15th September, 2023.