2022 School Rankings

By Taryn Murphy
School rankings for 2022 are now posted on our main site!
Hundreds of CLT partner schools administer one or more of our exams every year, and the number is only growing. Each year, we honor our highest-achieving partners by including them on our list of the top twenty schools for each of our exams: the CLT8 (a general assessment for 7th and 8th grade students), the CLT10 (a college prep test for high school freshmen and sophomores), and our flagship test, the CLT proper (a college entrance exam for juniors and seniors).
You can find complete, ranked lists for 2022 for all three of these categories right here on the website. Thanks to some tied scores, our lists this year come to sixty-one CLT partner schools that are at the top of their form!
I’d like to give some special shoutouts to a few of these partner schools:
- Several schools that made the 2021 lists have made this year’s lists as well! These include the Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee, St. Stephen’s Academy in Beaverton, Oregon, Oxrose Academy, and many more.
- In addition to this, several of our partner schools succeeded in ranking among the top twenty on multiple exams. Paideia Academy in Knoxville, our old friends at Hillsdale Academy and the Veritas School, and Petra Academy in Bozeman, Montana, are standout examples.
- And finally, a warm CLT congratulations to Mars Hill Academy in Mason, Ohio (another of our “frequent fliers”). Mars Hill Academy is the single most highly-ranked CLT partner school of 2022!
Prudens quæstio dimidium scientiæ.
Half of knowledge is asking the right question.Roger Bacon, OFM
Interested in offering CLT exams at your school? You can find more information on the specifics of our exams and learn how to administer a test at your school on our website. Be sure to check out our Author Bank, which showcases the classic authors and reading selections we use on our exams. And don’t miss out on our podcast, Anchored!
Taryn Murphy is an alumna of Hillsdale College with a degree in philosophy and religion, and CLT’s Director of Marketing. Besides her treasured work in education, Miss Murphy has an ongoing Instagram where she chronicles her travels (and the coffees she enjoys on those travels), and published a collection of poetry in 2019.
Published on 26th January, 2023.