An Index of Logic
(and Fallacies)

By Gabriel Blanchard

It Is Never Too Late to Begin

Grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric: these are the backbone of the classical model of education. Alas, not everyone gets this kind of education; but what’s to be done?

In the pursuit of wisdom, it is never too late to begin. We recently concluded a series on deductive logic, which followed a series on informal fallacies. As with the Author Bank and our series on the history of ideas, we wanted to provide our readers with a handy index to navigate these posts—and here it is! Posts from the series on logic are listed in the “Syllogisms” column, while those from the fallacy series are listed in the “Sophistries” column.

Speaking of the history of ideas, we have pulled in relevant posts from our “Great Conversation” series, which include further suggested reading. These are listed topically, following the posts from the logic and fallacy series that they help elucidate.

The three series that appear in this index are abbreviated thus to save space:

BM—The Brain, a User’s Manual
GC—The Great Conversation
SS—Sorting Through Sophistries

הוּא הָיָה אוֹמֵר, אִם אֵין אֲנִי לִי, מִי לִי. ... וְאִם לֹא עַכְשָׁיו, אֵימָתַי:
[Huu' hayah 'awmêr, 'im 'êyn lî, mî lî? ... V'nim lò' ṛakh'shâyw, 'êymâthay?]
If I am not for myself, then who shall be for me? ... And if not now, when?


Introductory Essays
Verbal Fallacies
Emotional Fallacies
Credibility Fallacies
Abusive Fallacies
Stupid Fallacies


Gabriel Blanchard is CLT’s editor at large. He lives in Baltimore, MD.

If you enjoyed this piece, well, you’ve got your work cut out for you! Thank you for reading the CLT Journal—have a great weekend.

Published on 31st January, 2025. Page image of The School of Athens (1509-1511) by Raffaelo Sanzio da Urbino, a.k.a. Raphael. Hebrew text from the Pirqey ‘Avoth obtained from Sefaria.

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